Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Cold sheets

I hate climbing into a bed with cold sheets. If Jonathan and I go to bed at the same time I curl up as close to him as possible so I can steal his warmth. Monday nights I usually go to bed earlier then Jonathan and complain just loud enough for him to hear me.
Well this week as I was whining (just a little) Jonathan went into the bathroom and came out with the hairdryer. Without saying a word he came into the bedroom and unplugged the lamp. By this point I was laughing hard enough to forget about whining. He spent a few minutes trying to plug the hairdryer behind the dresser with no avail. It was okay because by then the sheet were warm.
So he kissed me and told me to have sweet dreams.
I love my hubby and appreciate the little things he does for me =)

Seeing Loco

We had a ultrasound on Monday and boy is it great to see Loco. He is looking good and healthy. Loco is measuring at 25w 3d which is exactly where he should be. Also the estimate he is about 2 lbs. I did get some pictures but I am not sure how to put them up.
I am doing great as well. My headaches are under control now that I have the right medicine. I really don't have any complaints at this point. I do move slower but that means I have more time to stop and smell the roses.
Love to all

Sunday, October 11, 2009


I never wanted to be a housewife and thought that if I was a stay at home mom I would kill my children. I despised subdivisions and minivans. I spent the last 5 years proving that I wouldn't be stuck in that mold. I have traveled to 13 different states as well 2 countries. I found new experiences in every place I went. A Broadway show in New York, skydiving in Florida, ate tripe in D.C., and a hand full of other things.
When I met Jonathan things didn't change right away. On our first date I gave him the speech: "I date. I date a lot and if you have a problem with that or jealously I won't date you". I thought I meant that. I sure had said it a lot. We dated and split and dated and I thought we were going to split again. All of this was my fault. He would tell you that he is a commitment phobe but he was committed to me long before I knew what I was getting into. I thank god for that. If he hadn't been that committed to me we wouldn't be here.
Now here we are. I just got up early and put a roast in the crock pot. I put away the dishes and now I am chopping veggies for the breakfast I am going to make when he wakes up. I am still in my jammies, no make up and hair in a pony tail. I love it.
I love knowing that when my husband wakes up everything will be ready for him. I love knowing that as I am standing in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee (decaf) Jonathan will put his arms around me and appreciate that I have everything just as it should be.
I don't know when I made this 180 but it has happened. I want to be a great wife, and a great mother and I want to know that when my husband or kids need me I am there.
Now please don't get me wrong there is still that crazy streak in me. I don't want to be the forgettable next door neighbor with memorable cookies. I will never quite fit the mold. I get claustrophobic when someone tries to make me do something. I guess that is the diffrence this is the first time I WANT to be a housewife and stay at home mom.
So watch out mothers of the year! Here I come with my husband and kids (probably on motorcycles) I may not fit the mold but I will definitely be having fun shaping what I am for my family.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Life Changes

I was talking to Mariah yesterday, she pointed out something that I've known but it is nice that other people see it as well. I have changed...a lot! 10 years ago I was pregnant with twins that I placed for adoption. I was in a very bad place in my life but thought I was so grown up.
This weekend Jonathan and I went to a bbq. We had a very good time and love the people who were there. The thing that made me uncomfortable were all of the little kids. This was a big person party where some were drinking and cussing without any thought of little ears.
Having this little boy in my belly makes me think constantly "Would I bring my child into this situation". The answer to this question and the bbq was absolutely not. I don't want my kids talking like or that so I am going to do my best not to expose them to it.
When Jonathan and I talked about it on the way home I was so happy when he agreed with me. He said that he had no problem letting our friends know that they need to watch how they speak and if they can't keep the cursing under control we just wouldn't have Loco around them. Whew! What a relief. We also agreed that in parenting our children we would lean to the more conservative side. So if 1 of us feels strongly about something we would go with that as the rule of thumb. Whatever that would be; drinking, movies, appropriate clothing, and who knows whatelse. Boy I love how logical and level headed my husband is.
As I told all of this to Mariah she exclaimed "Do you hear yourself speak? Do you know how far you have come?" I moved back into my parents house during my pregnancy. Mariah, Jon and kids were living there saving money to buy a house as well. Part of their moving out was due to my actions. She didn't want her boys exposed some of the things I did and said. I am so sorry for that.
I do know I have changed a lot in the last 10 years. I know that I will be a much better parent now then I would have been then (a big part of the reason I placed the twins for adoption). I am glad that I have an amazing husband to support, love, and help raise this little boy.
I want to say that if I offended or acted in a way that made you not want to have your children around me I am so sorry. I know that is part of growing up but I am becoming aware of how much we effect others around us.
We as parents have to protect and shelter our kids while at the same time expose them to just enough that they understand the world on the level they are ready for.
At times I am terrified about raising Loco but Jonathan has reassured me that no matter what he will hold my hand through the tough times.
Mom and Dad-thank you for loving me and supporting me through all of my years. You are amazing parents and I couldn't have ask for better. I know that I will be needing your advice and love as well.
Paulette-Thank you for raising such an amazing man. I couldn't have asked for a more honest, loving, hard working man to raise my children with. I know that is because of the great parents you and L.E. have been to Jonathan. Thank you for opening your arms to me and treating me like a daughter.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Eyelashes Or Are They Little Spiders?

So anyone who has every gotten dressed up with me knows that I love fake eyelashes. I have convinced a number of friends and family members to try them. I love fakeys because I don't have eyelashes. No one believes me about this until they see me without mascara. My eyelashes are so short on the bottom lid that you really can't see them. The top isn't much better.

I have bought the cheap kind, the expensive kind, the super glitzy, the can't really tell I am wearing them, ones with red tinsel, ones with diamonds glued on the end, basically I have about 30 pair of fake eyelashes and I wear them all.

Today I was killing some time with Carrie and happened upon a beauty supply store. Now I love makeup and girly stuff but I am really not very good at it. The eyelashes are about the only thing I can give someone else hints and tips about. We wandered around for about 20 minutes when I found the eyelash isle. Yep kids they had an entire isle just for eyelashes!!! This isle will be part of my heaven!

As I stood there and debated just how many pairs of eyelashes I could justify buying I found the singles. Now I tend to use the strips because they are easy. Apply a bit of glue, wait 20 seconds and smash onto the eyelid. I turned over the package and read through the instructions. Guess what it says....that these can be worn for 4-5 weeks. Yes I said WEEKS! Oh to have beautiful full lashes everyday! So I bought them, okay and 2 other pair =) I couldn't pass up the pair with feathers on the ends.

When I got home I wheeled Carrie into the bathroom with me and joked about trying them on her. She laughed which I took as "keep those stupid things away from my eyes". She doesn't really like having her face touched. I then spent about 30 minutes trying to put those blasted things on my lids. I think I ended up with more glued to my chest, shirt and bathroom counter then on my lids. I kept loosing my grip with the tweezers. Also if I didn't wait long enough they would just slide down to the bottom lid.

Needless to say I don't have amazingly long fake but real looking eyelashes today. I also now have fewer real eyelashes after trying to wash the glue off my eyes. But I am going to try them tomorrow. Wish me luck and let me know if you have any tips on applying these little things.

Oh yeah the whole point of the the title was this: after I decided to stop glueing my eyelids shut and clean up the entire counter top looked like baby spiders were crawling on it. I went through entire package of eyelashes and only had about 6 on my eyes...oh well maybe it will be better tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The worst headache of my life!

I have had headaches for as long as I can remember. In fact when I was high school I can remember going to the nurses station because my was pounding so hard. When someone else was already using the bed I found an empty desk, crawled underneath and slept until the day was over. I have been tested for all sorts of things, gone to lots of doctors, tried the newest and greatest treatments available. Turns out I have good old migraines.

When I was younger I had migraines all the time, 2-3 times a week. Now it is not as severe. I am not sure what the difference was but when I moved to Colorado my headaches decreased drastically. I have headaches a couple times a month but I only have migraines 1-2 a year. So when I woke up Sunday I knew what was going on.

I couldn't lift my head without it feeling like it was going to explode. I was nauseous to the point of dry heaving. Even walking made my head vibrate. My sweet husband did everything he could think of to help. He rubbed my back, shut the blinds, turned down the TV, got me a cold compress, fed me the drugs the doc prescribed and when nothing made it better he took me to the ER.
When we got there the doctor basically said headaches were a normal thing during pregnancy especially since I had a history of them. The staff at Valley View Hospital were so sweet to me.

The nurse needed to listen to Loco's heartbeat and asked me where we were best able to hear it. When she put the thingy (I can't for the life of me remember what it is called) on my tummy Loco would move. It became a game of cat and mouse. When she was finally able to pin him down and get a good reading he started kicking it. It made me laugh which made me want to cry.

They gave me a shot of benadryl and reglan and told me to keep taking the vicoden. Basically the medication put me to sleep for about 6 hours. When I woke up I still had a headache but it wasn't as bad. I spent the next 2 days doing the exact same thing. Sleep, medicate, drink h2o, sleep again. Today has been the first day I haven't had pressure in my head thank heavens. I hope I go a long time with out another headache like that.

I am curious, those of you who have headaches. What has been the best remedy for you while you were pregnant?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Extended Family

I have always said that I love living close enough to my family that I can be home at the drop of a hat but that they are just far enough away that I am a vacation destination. Grand Junction has become just that for some of my extended family. Luckily I get done with work early enough that I can be part of the fun.
Tammy, Ladd, Brittany and Derick (I hope I am spelling your name right) made a little weekend trip to GJ for the wine festival. I was lucky enough to squeeze myself into their plans. Thursday night we went to Ill Bistro a restaurant that had vegan, vegetarian, and normal people food. Tammy raved on and on about her pesto lasagna so we each had to have a bite. The same thing happened with the tiramisu. We chatted and told stories and ate until we were in a comatose state. In fact we were the last patrons out of the restaurant. At that point it was time for bed but not before we made plans to meet for brunch in the morning.
Brunch was very much like dinner. We ate and chatted and laughed through out it all. Then I dropped Carrie off and met everyone back at the hotel.
We had all geared up to take a hike on the Grand Mesa. On the way out of town Ladd mentions to no one impeticular that he should get gas but since the map says we are only about 15 minutes out there is no real rush. We have a nice relaxing 45 minuted drive (the 15 minutes was only from GJ to the turn off). Now Derick starts paying attention to the mte (miles till empty) and notices that it drops about 15 miles every 3 minutes. We all made jokes about having to push Ladd's big truck to a gas station. When we got to the top of the mountain it said we had about 30 miles left before empty. Ladd was sure we would be able to coast down no problem.
We got out and went for a little walk around Cobbett Lake. The colors of the trees were beautiful. Derick stopped to skip rocks. Tammy stopped to take pictures of said rocks. I just wanted to rest on the rocks. On the way back we met some very nice fisherpeople (there were men and women) who let us know that if we go down the other side of the mountain we would find a gas station no problem. We hopped in the truck and away we went. It sure was a great adventure and I am so glad no one had to push the truck.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Kick Kick Kick

I have been feeling Loco kick since about 14 weeks (I am 19 weeks today). In the first few weeks the kicks were so light I almost doubted that they were anything more then gas. As the weeks fly by I feel him more and more. Feeling those little kicks excites me so much that I find myself pressing my belly just enough to squeeze Loco so he will kick me.
When I got home for the weekend I crossed my fingers Loco would kick hard enough that Jonathan would be able to feel it. Sure enough he did!!! Now this actually took some work. Whenever Jonathan and I were sitting on the couch I would press his had into my tummy. Every kick I felt I would ask Jonathan "Did you feel that?" I was disappointed the first night that he wasn't able to feel anything.
Saturday I made green chile enchiladas from scratch. I used fresh roasted chiles that I bought at the farmers market as well as fresh jalapenos. They turned out extremely spicy! My mouth was on fire but they tasted sooooo good. Thank goodness that my husband like spice. After dinner Loco was kicking up a storm apprently he likes spicy as well. So I grabbed Jonathan's hand and pressed down. Loco kicked right in the middle of Jonathan's palm. The twinkle in Jonathan's eyes almost made me cry. He was so excited to feel our son. The rest of the weekend was filled with the 'did you feel that' game.
I am glad that my husband is as excited as I am for this child. We both love him so much already. I am lucky to have true love in my life, both with my husband and my child.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Belly Names

In my family belly names are a big deal. This is the name we call our baby before we know his actual name or even gender. They are usually off the wall and very silly. Names like Grenelda, Charlie Brown and Spike. I have chosen Loco, it seem appropriate since my life has been a little crazy since finding out about the little guy. Plus I am going crazy not knowing what we are going to name him. Every weekend there is a conversation between me and my hubby that goes like this:

Me sitting at the computer looking at every possible boy name that starts with L: "Honey what do you think of Lorenzo"?
Jonathan watching TV: "Nah"
Me: "What about Larry?"
Jonathan: "No"
Me: "How about Lenny?"
Jonathan: : "No way."
Now this goes on for about 15 or 20 names.
Exasperated me: "Babe what are we going to name this little boy?"
Jonathan: "I don't know baby but we have plenty of time to figure it out"
Me: "That's not the point I need to know what his name is or it is going to drive me crazy"
I then go back to looking.

So for now our son is Loco...I just hope that doesn't end up on his birth certificate.

Oh Boy!

At this point of my pregnancy I'm a little nervous. I think that is fairy is the reason why. Jonathan and I were at Target doing a little shopping when I found the cutest newborn outfit for Loco (that is his belly name, I will explain in another post). As we were finishing up and walking out we were talking about how big we were when we were born. I was a lovely 7 and 1/2 lb and 18 inches long. Jonathan proceeds to tell me that he was a 10 lb baby. ACK!!! I choked back a sob and ask why we were buying newborn clothes for this kid if he's not going to fit in them. I got over that with a few laughs and went on with my day.

Well I went to the midwife this week because I have been having headaches and a lot of cramping. The headaches are normal and really so is the cramping. I was told that it is just round ligament pain, basically as the I get bigger the weight of my belly pulls on the ligaments and can feel like a charlie horse. Then the midwife measures me and says "hmmm" in that not so pleasing way. She asks me how far along I am and I tell her with a smile 18 weeks. "Well" she says "you are measuring closer to 20 or 21 weeks. How did you measure at your ultra sound?" At 15 weeks I measured 15 weeks and 6 days. I know that all of this doesn't necessarily mean that I am going to have a 10 lb baby but it is now in my head enough that I am having dreams where my baby is as big as a teenager. I need to let this go and know that what ever size my baby is it will be okay. I am tempted to buy a package of adult depends just to be on the safe side =)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Missing My Husband

I am so excited to go home today. I work Tuesday - Friday which makes for a pretty nice schedule. The problem comes in where I work. I work in Grand Junction and live in Glenwood Springs. For all of you who don't know Colorado that is about an hour and a half away. When I started working this we arranged for me to stay straight through to save on gas and time. I have my own room and entrance so I can come and go as I please. It was the perfect set up. Then I got married =) now being away from Jonathan 3 nights a week is hard. I am not sure why the ring on my finger and the signed marriage certificate changed this but it did.

There are a few good things about the miles between us, we always call each other before we go to sleep. I find myself saving the things that happen to me during the day for that phone call. We talk for a good hour most of the time. Also we send love texts back and forth through out the day. I love getting silly little love texts. It also makes me appreciate and express my love for the little things he does for me. I have far more pictures of him on my phone then ever before.

I guess more then anything I am missing my husband this morning and can't wait to see him tonight. I am so grateful that I have him.

I love loving my husband!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

This is all so new to me!

The reason I am creating a blog is so that our out of state family can keep up with our lives. I was talking to Jonathan about it and he said he would help but the majority of these posts will be from me.

Here are the basics: Jonathan and I got married on July 26, 2009. If you want to know about that our wedding website is still up on We are expecting a little boy in February. Jonathan informed me that he was a 10 pound baby so I am crossing my fingers that he is little =) We live in Glenwood Springs, Co. Eventually we will move to North Carolina but not for a couple of years. Jonathan is parts manager for High Point Motorsports and I am a personal nurse for my buddy Carrie. We both are lucky enough to have jobs and thank the heavens that hasn't changed like so many others we know.

I need to run but will post more later. Love to all