Sunday, October 11, 2009


I never wanted to be a housewife and thought that if I was a stay at home mom I would kill my children. I despised subdivisions and minivans. I spent the last 5 years proving that I wouldn't be stuck in that mold. I have traveled to 13 different states as well 2 countries. I found new experiences in every place I went. A Broadway show in New York, skydiving in Florida, ate tripe in D.C., and a hand full of other things.
When I met Jonathan things didn't change right away. On our first date I gave him the speech: "I date. I date a lot and if you have a problem with that or jealously I won't date you". I thought I meant that. I sure had said it a lot. We dated and split and dated and I thought we were going to split again. All of this was my fault. He would tell you that he is a commitment phobe but he was committed to me long before I knew what I was getting into. I thank god for that. If he hadn't been that committed to me we wouldn't be here.
Now here we are. I just got up early and put a roast in the crock pot. I put away the dishes and now I am chopping veggies for the breakfast I am going to make when he wakes up. I am still in my jammies, no make up and hair in a pony tail. I love it.
I love knowing that when my husband wakes up everything will be ready for him. I love knowing that as I am standing in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee (decaf) Jonathan will put his arms around me and appreciate that I have everything just as it should be.
I don't know when I made this 180 but it has happened. I want to be a great wife, and a great mother and I want to know that when my husband or kids need me I am there.
Now please don't get me wrong there is still that crazy streak in me. I don't want to be the forgettable next door neighbor with memorable cookies. I will never quite fit the mold. I get claustrophobic when someone tries to make me do something. I guess that is the diffrence this is the first time I WANT to be a housewife and stay at home mom.
So watch out mothers of the year! Here I come with my husband and kids (probably on motorcycles) I may not fit the mold but I will definitely be having fun shaping what I am for my family.


Unknown said...

You are doing a great job as a wife and I am very certain that you will be a wonderful mother as well. A challenge has always intrigued me and you were just that. You are just showing everyone else what I knew was there all along. I proved them wrong about you:)

Monica said...

Somehow, I missed this when it was posted and just read this now. You hit the nail on the head for me with this one. This feels just like my transformation from young, selfish, determined, ambitious, younger monica to the Monica now, who is a little older, just as determined and ambitious and a much better person. Oh, and I'm a much happier, more contented, woman who likes herself a lot more. And as for fitting the mold? Who would want that! I thrive on being conspicuous and memorable.