Thursday, October 21, 2010

Just a little shout out.

I just wanted to put up pictures of the cutie pies that helped with the "A you're adorable" song.
Love you!

A you're Adorable

This is a picture from May 1, 2010. The reason I am using this picture is because of the paci. I am not a huge fan of the binky and didn't want to use it at all but as you can see Lee did. One of the many times I have visited UT the Haws kids helped me make up a song with the letters from this pacifier.

Here it goes:

A you're adorable
D you're delectable
O you're the octopus of my eye
R you're not a rats nest
A you're not an a arachnid
B you're a butterfly in flight
L you're so lick able (SLURP)
E you're so edible
That is the song for my child.

I sing it to him all the time even though the plug is long gone.
Thanks Talon, Tayson and Tessa!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Go Broncos!!!

My girlfriend Jess is determined to make Lee a Broncos fan and I am just great with that. Since the Broncos played (and lost =< ) on Sunday I decided to dress both Lee and Carrie in their jerseys. I sent Jonathan a picture and his comment was "Looks like a quarter-back in training." I have to agree!

I hate being sick!

Both Lee and I came down with a nasty cold. We had fevers and snotty noses. A week later we are both still feeling the effects. The second day of all of this it seemed that Lee had 20x the energy that I did so I put him in the playpen with some toys. That way I didn't have to chase him quite as much. He lasted for about 30 minutes which is what I expected. The nice thing about Lee being sick is that he wants to cuddle. I don't get that most days.

Riding the Amtrak

For the first 4 1/2 years I lived in Colorado I didn't own a car. When I wanted to visit my family I either had to borrow a car or ride the train. I have come to love the train. Now I get to share the experience with Lee. We have ridden the train twice now. Lee seems to love it as much as I do.

Monday, October 18, 2010

just a cute photo

I just love my baby's blue eyes

Friday, October 8, 2010

Bath time

Lee loves water! He will hangout in the bathtub for as long as I will let him. He loves to splash and can make quite a mess. I am going to have to start bathing him in the big person tub soon.

Chewing but no teeth

Just thought I would share some cute pictures. Lee chews on everything but so far he doesn't have any teeth. Isn't he the cutest kid ever?

Friday, October 1, 2010

Trying again.

So here we go again. Lee almost 8 months now and boy can he move! He is crawling all over the place. Just this week he learned how to crawl up the stairs and pull himself to standing. NOT a good combination. He is one determined little guy! There are a few things he will "run" for: the open door to the deck, exposed wires, flashing lights (the modem) and cell phones or remote controls. It is a little exhausting but a whole lot of fun.

Jonathan and I are doing great. Between the 2 of us we have 4 jobs =( but the bills are paid and Lee doesn't have to go to daycare. We just booked our tickets to NC and SLC. We will have a full 2 weeks off together. Bliss I tell ya!