Thursday, October 21, 2010

A you're Adorable

This is a picture from May 1, 2010. The reason I am using this picture is because of the paci. I am not a huge fan of the binky and didn't want to use it at all but as you can see Lee did. One of the many times I have visited UT the Haws kids helped me make up a song with the letters from this pacifier.

Here it goes:

A you're adorable
D you're delectable
O you're the octopus of my eye
R you're not a rats nest
A you're not an a arachnid
B you're a butterfly in flight
L you're so lick able (SLURP)
E you're so edible
That is the song for my child.

I sing it to him all the time even though the plug is long gone.
Thanks Talon, Tayson and Tessa!


Mariah said...

What? Long gone? Is it really over? I'm soooo impressed.

Megan and Jonathan Owen said...

No it's not over, that paci is lost. We are going to ditch the paci as soon as we get back from vacation. We decided to keep it for the plane ride.

Tammy Compton Hauge said...

Can you please post the song you were singing last time we were together, its starts, "My Baby has a first name, its...." It was so cute.