Friday, October 1, 2010

Trying again.

So here we go again. Lee almost 8 months now and boy can he move! He is crawling all over the place. Just this week he learned how to crawl up the stairs and pull himself to standing. NOT a good combination. He is one determined little guy! There are a few things he will "run" for: the open door to the deck, exposed wires, flashing lights (the modem) and cell phones or remote controls. It is a little exhausting but a whole lot of fun.

Jonathan and I are doing great. Between the 2 of us we have 4 jobs =( but the bills are paid and Lee doesn't have to go to daycare. We just booked our tickets to NC and SLC. We will have a full 2 weeks off together. Bliss I tell ya!


Mariah said...

I thought that "Trying again" was referring to baby number two.

Now that I'm over that shock, I'm glad to see new pictures. I know you hear this all the time but... He's soooo cute!

Love ya.

Tammy Compton Hauge said...

Lee is GORGEOUS!!!