Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Belly Names

In my family belly names are a big deal. This is the name we call our baby before we know his actual name or even gender. They are usually off the wall and very silly. Names like Grenelda, Charlie Brown and Spike. I have chosen Loco, it seem appropriate since my life has been a little crazy since finding out about the little guy. Plus I am going crazy not knowing what we are going to name him. Every weekend there is a conversation between me and my hubby that goes like this:

Me sitting at the computer looking at every possible boy name that starts with L: "Honey what do you think of Lorenzo"?
Jonathan watching TV: "Nah"
Me: "What about Larry?"
Jonathan: "No"
Me: "How about Lenny?"
Jonathan: : "No way."
Now this goes on for about 15 or 20 names.
Exasperated me: "Babe what are we going to name this little boy?"
Jonathan: "I don't know baby but we have plenty of time to figure it out"
Me: "That's not the point I need to know what his name is or it is going to drive me crazy"
I then go back to looking.

So for now our son is Loco...I just hope that doesn't end up on his birth certificate.


Monica said...

Love it, that's a perfect belly name.

Megan and Jonathan Owen said...

What were your kids belly names?