Wednesday, September 2, 2009

This is all so new to me!

The reason I am creating a blog is so that our out of state family can keep up with our lives. I was talking to Jonathan about it and he said he would help but the majority of these posts will be from me.

Here are the basics: Jonathan and I got married on July 26, 2009. If you want to know about that our wedding website is still up on We are expecting a little boy in February. Jonathan informed me that he was a 10 pound baby so I am crossing my fingers that he is little =) We live in Glenwood Springs, Co. Eventually we will move to North Carolina but not for a couple of years. Jonathan is parts manager for High Point Motorsports and I am a personal nurse for my buddy Carrie. We both are lucky enough to have jobs and thank the heavens that hasn't changed like so many others we know.

I need to run but will post more later. Love to all


ali-dot-e said...

Yea! You have a blog! I hope you don't mind me checking in. you are absolutly wecome to view mine. Just click on my blue name here and it will take you there. I love ya lots and miss you. Hope things are well with you you have had quite a year!! Talk to you soon!

Monica said...

YAY! Megan has a blog - it's gorgeous, by the way. Look forward to reading.

Shelli said...

Hello! I love reading blogs! Thanks for telling me about yours. I loved your wedding pictures and the stories I heard. It sounds like it was very....unforgetable!!!!

I too have a blog, but it is by invite only. If you would like to be a reader let me know and I will invite you!

I love your background, but the text is hard to read since it is gray on black. Could you maybe change the text color?

I was excited to hear you are having a baby BOY. Congratulations!!!

I will be "following" to see what more you've posted!