Friday, September 4, 2009

Missing My Husband

I am so excited to go home today. I work Tuesday - Friday which makes for a pretty nice schedule. The problem comes in where I work. I work in Grand Junction and live in Glenwood Springs. For all of you who don't know Colorado that is about an hour and a half away. When I started working this we arranged for me to stay straight through to save on gas and time. I have my own room and entrance so I can come and go as I please. It was the perfect set up. Then I got married =) now being away from Jonathan 3 nights a week is hard. I am not sure why the ring on my finger and the signed marriage certificate changed this but it did.

There are a few good things about the miles between us, we always call each other before we go to sleep. I find myself saving the things that happen to me during the day for that phone call. We talk for a good hour most of the time. Also we send love texts back and forth through out the day. I love getting silly little love texts. It also makes me appreciate and express my love for the little things he does for me. I have far more pictures of him on my phone then ever before.

I guess more then anything I am missing my husband this morning and can't wait to see him tonight. I am so grateful that I have him.

I love loving my husband!!!


Unknown said...

Awwwwww shucks. You two are just soooo twitterpated! Glad you're still in love.

Roma said...

I love that YOU love loving you husband!! I THOUGHT I loved Mark when we married...and I did, but it cannot compare with the love I feel today...26+ years later! I have always told my girls....what I want for you, is to love you husband as much as I love your father!!! They like that part, but HATE all the PDA!!! Too bad for them! It will continue till I die!!